When life gives you strawberries…

…you just have to make a milkshake! A dairy- and sugar-free milkshake in fact.


Because sometimes a girl just has to have an ice cold milkshake on a super hot summer day!

My milkshake was made totally delicious using about 2 cups strawberries (hulled,of course), 1 frozen banana, 1 cup coconut milk, and 1 tbsp pure vanilla extract. Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend on high speed until well blended, adding a few ice cubes to make it thicker and colder if desired. Pour into a tall glass, grab a brightly colored straw because that always makes it taste better don’t ya know, and sit in front of a fan sipping your simply delicious milkshake. And if you feel so inclined, feel free to share a milkshake with a friend since this recipe makes about two milkshakes.

From my kitchen to yours,



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